J2 Interactive Blog

J2 covers a wide range of topics related to healthcare IT, interoperability, and CRM for healthcare and life sciences organizations.
Post-acute care continues to be a rapidly growing segment within healthcare. The growth has been driven both by economics and by technological innovation. On the economics front, insurance companies and Medicare have reduce reimbursements for readmissions that occur shortly (10 - 31 days) after a patient has been discharged. Beginning in October 2012, the Hospital Readmissions Reduction Program required the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to reduce payments to inpatient prospective payment system (IPPS) hospitals with excess readmissions. [...]
Like many states across the country, Rhode Island is working to address the opioid addiction epidemic. Also like other states, Rhode Island runs a Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP) as one strategy to mitigate the crisis.
Our new client, Rio Grande Valley Health Information Exchange (RGV HIE), is launching an initiative to support health data sharing among Emergency Medical Services (EMS) providers and hospitals in Texas.
Though our software development and integration work doesn't usually give us direct contact with providers and patients, we never forget that those are the people we're really working for.