Technology Strategy

Our customers routinely rely on J2 to help them articulate their strategic goals and put in place the right technology and staff to achieve those goals both quickly and cost-effectively. We invite you to take advantage of the deep well of experience we’ve gained over more than 15 years leading ambitious healthcare IT projects of all sizes.

Healthcare Interoperability

Connecting disparate systems to create a unified view of each patient and a streamlined workflow for each provider is the foundational underpinning of almost every project we deliver. If you’re migrating to a new interface engine, onboarding new facilities, sharing data with outside partners, or simply trying to improve the user experience for your care teams, we can help.

Health Information Exchange

J2’s list of HIE customers reads like a who’s-who of statewide and regional exchanges across the United States. Since building the first customer implementation of HealthShare in 2007, J2 has been helping HIEs of all sizes stand up their exchanges from scratch, execute large-scale mergers and platform migrations, grow their stakeholder footprint, and expand the scope and impact of the services they offer to their respective communities.

Integration as a Service

For many customers, the cost and administrative overhead of maintaining an on-premise interoperability can be a barrier to innovation. J2’s managed interoperability solutions give you an affordable, low-hassle alternative that allows your internal staff to focus on other critical areas of your business.

Healthcare Analytics

Turning vast amounts of clinical data into actionable insights is absolutely essential to any forward-thinking enterprise. Whether you’re pursuing operational efficiencies, ensuring compliance with government regulations, or improving population health metrics, J2 can help you marshal, normalize, aggregate, and visualize your data so you can take informed action.

Patient and Provider Engagement

Effective use of CRM technology can help you better understand your patients, reach out to them with innovative health programs, and even empower them to take better care of themselves. Let us show you how you can connect your care teams with your patients to achieve better health outcomes and drive revenue.

Field Service Optimization

Coordinating a multitude of complex field service processes, from scheduling and provisioning to customer service and billing, can be a daunting challenge. With field service optimization solutions from J2, you can streamline your workflows, unify your business, and foster lasting customer loyalty.

Virtual Health Applications

More than ever, healthcare organizations are relying on telehealth, virtual consults, IOT-enabled devices, and specialized mobile applications to stay in touch with patients and keep them on a healthy path. Tap into J2’s extensive experience building these kinds of solutions to address your unique software needs.

Terminology Services

True integration across your enterprise requires that all of your applications speak the same language around diagnoses, labs, medications, and other clinical terms. With J2 Managed Terminology, you can achieve semantic operability with a hassle-free, cloud-based solution that seamlessly combines industry-standard libraries with your own custom maps.

Big Sky Care Connect

Cloud Deployment / Managed Services

Whether on AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud Platform, J2 can help you plan and execute an effective strategy for moving your applications to the cloud. And with our wide range of flexible managed service plans, you can enjoy the peace of mind of knowing that your systems are secure and running at peak performance.